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Class of Conversion


A class to insert watermark into plain text

wm_base = 0
wm_str = '123'
wmc = WMConversion(WMMode.REAL_NUMBER, wm_base)
wm_final = wmc.wm_convert_to_arbitrary_base(wm_str)
wm_out_str = wmc.wm_restore_from_arbitrary_base(wm_final)
assert wm_str == wm_out_str
print(wmc.calc_max_wm_length(wm_str+wm_str), wm_final, wm_str, wm_out_str)
Source code in textwatermark/
class WMConversion:
    A class to insert watermark into plain text

    wm_base = 0
    wm_str = '123'
    wmc = WMConversion(WMMode.REAL_NUMBER, wm_base)
    wm_final = wmc.wm_convert_to_arbitrary_base(wm_str)
    wm_out_str = wmc.wm_restore_from_arbitrary_base(wm_final)
    assert wm_str == wm_out_str
    print(wmc.calc_max_wm_length(wm_str+wm_str), wm_final, wm_str, wm_out_str)

    def __init__(self, wm_mode: WMMode, wm_base: int):
        """Class TextWatermark init

        If debug is set to True, the watermark processing will be printed.

            wm_mode (WMMode): Set watermark encoding mode.
            wm_base (int): Watermark's conversion base

            ValueError: If `base` is not in the range [2, 36]

        self.wm_mode = wm_mode
        """Setting different watermark modes will effectively reduce the size of 
        the watermark string."""

        if wm_base < 2 or wm_base > 36:
            raise ValueError(
                f"watermark convert base must be between 2 and 36: {wm_base}"

        self.wm_base = wm_base
        """watermark conversion base must be between 2 and 36"""

    def calc_max_wm_length(self, wm_max: str):
        """Calculate the watermark length in target base

        This method usually be used with `wm.set_fixed_wm_length` method.
        This method will calculate the length of the longest (or largest)
        watermark string in the input string. Then call `wm.set_fixed_wm_length`
        method set the return value to wm.wm_fixed_len.

        **It should be noted that:** *the length calculated by this method will
        add 1 to the original length. The purpose is to quickly locate the
        starting position of the watermark string when filling the watermark
        string with 0, so as to ensure that the correct value is obtained and
        restored. *

            wm_max (str): Maximum watermark string in target base

            (int): Returns the length of the watermark string in the specified base

        wm_final = self.wm_convert_to_arbitrary_base(wm_max)
        return len(wm_final)

    def wm_convert_to_arbitrary_base(self, wm_str: str):
        """Convert watermark to arbitrary base string

            wm_str (str): Watermark string

            (str): Returns watermark string in arbitrary base

            ValueError: if `wm_str` type is not match `wm_mode`
            ValueError: if invalid watermark `wm_mode`
            ValueError: if invalid watermark `wm_base`


        if not isinstance(wm_str, str):
            wm_str = str(wm_str)

        wm_bin = ""
        match self.wm_mode:
            case WMMode.REAL_NUMBER:
                if not re.fullmatch(r"[0-9]+", wm_str):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} is not numerical "
                wm_bin = str(bin(int(wm_str)))[2:]
            case WMMode.LETTERS_LOWER_CASE:
                if not re.fullmatch(r"[a-z]+", wm_str):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not lower case letters "
                wm_bin = "".join(format(ord(i) - ord("a") + 1, "05b") for i in wm_str)
            case WMMode.LETTERS_UPPER_CASE:
                if not re.fullmatch(r"[A-Z]+", wm_str):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not upper case letters "
                wm_bin = "".join(format(ord(i) - ord("A") + 1, "05b") for i in wm_str)
            case WMMode.LETTERS_MIXED_CASE:
                if not re.fullmatch(r"[a-zA-Z]+", wm_str):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not mixed case letters "
                wm_bin = "".join(format(ord(i) - ord("A") + 1, "06b") for i in wm_str)
            case WMMode.ALPHA_NUMERICAL:
                if not re.fullmatch(r"[0-9a-zA-Z]+", wm_str):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not mixed case letters "
                for i in wm_str:
                    ord_i = ord(i)
                    if ord("0") <= ord_i <= ord("9"):
                        wm_bin += format(ord_i - ord("0") + 1, "06b")
                    elif ord("A") <= ord_i <= ord("Z"):
                        wm_bin += format(ord_i - ord("A") + 1 + 10, "06b")
                    elif ord("a") <= ord_i <= ord("z"):
                        wm_bin += format(ord_i - ord("a") + 1 + 36, "06b")
            case WMMode.ALPHA_NUMERICAL_SPECIAL:
                if not re.fullmatch(r"[!-~]+", wm_str):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not mixed case letters "
                wm_bin = "".join(format(ord(i), "07b") for i in wm_str)
            case WMMode.UNICODE:
                wm_bin = BitArray(wm_str.encode("UTF-8")).bin
            case _:
                raise ValueError(f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {self.wm_mode}")

        num = np.base_repr(int(wm_bin, 2), self.wm_base)
        return str(num)

    def _get_str_from_bin(self, wm_bin: str, bin_len: int, offset: int):
        """Generate the watermark string from binary string.

            wm_bin (str): watermark binary string
            bin_len (int): The number of bytes representing a watermark character
            offset (int): The number of leading bits of the binary string

            (str): restored watermark string

        wm_str = ""
        if len(wm_bin) % bin_len != 0:
            wm_bin = wm_bin.zfill(bin_len - len(wm_bin) % bin_len + len(wm_bin))

        for i in range(0, len(wm_bin), bin_len):
            wm_str += chr(int(wm_bin[i : i + bin_len], 2) + offset)
        return wm_str

    def wm_restore_from_arbitrary_base(self, wm_final: str):
        """Restore watermark from arbitrary base string

            wm_final (str): Arbitrary base watermark string

            (str): restored watermark string

            Error: If Invalid WMMode


        # convert wm_bin from arbitrary base string
        wm_bin = str(bin(int(wm_final, self.wm_base)))[2:]

        wm_str = ""
        match self.wm_mode:
            case WMMode.REAL_NUMBER:
                wm_str = str(int(wm_bin, 2))
            case WMMode.LETTERS_LOWER_CASE:
                wm_str = self._get_str_from_bin(wm_bin, 5, ord("a") - 1)
            case WMMode.LETTERS_UPPER_CASE:
                wm_str = self._get_str_from_bin(wm_bin, 5, ord("A") - 1)
            case WMMode.LETTERS_MIXED_CASE:
                wm_str = self._get_str_from_bin(wm_bin, 6, ord("A") - 1)
            case WMMode.ALPHA_NUMERICAL:
                if len(wm_bin) % 6 != 0:
                    wm_bin = wm_bin.zfill(6 - len(wm_bin) % 6 + len(wm_bin))
                for i in range(0, len(wm_bin), 6):
                    num = int(wm_bin[i : i + 6], 2)
                    if num <= 10:
                        wm_str += chr(num + ord("0") - 1)
                    elif 10 < num <= 36:
                        wm_str += chr(num + ord("A") - 1 - 10)
                    elif 36 < num <= 62:
                        wm_str += chr(num + ord("a") - 1 - 36)
            case WMMode.ALPHA_NUMERICAL_SPECIAL:
                wm_str = self._get_str_from_bin(wm_bin, 7, 0)
            case WMMode.UNICODE:
                wm_str = BitArray(bin=wm_bin).bytes.decode(encoding="UTF-8")
            case _:
                raise ValueError(f"ERROR: Invalid WMMode: {self.wm_mode}")

        return wm_str

wm_base = wm_base instance-attribute

watermark conversion base must be between 2 and 36

wm_mode = wm_mode instance-attribute

Setting different watermark modes will effectively reduce the size of the watermark string.

__init__(wm_mode, wm_base)

Class TextWatermark init

If debug is set to True, the watermark processing will be printed.


Name Type Description Default
wm_mode WMMode

Set watermark encoding mode.

wm_base int

Watermark's conversion base



Type Description

If base is not in the range [2, 36]

Source code in textwatermark/
def __init__(self, wm_mode: WMMode, wm_base: int):
    """Class TextWatermark init

    If debug is set to True, the watermark processing will be printed.

        wm_mode (WMMode): Set watermark encoding mode.
        wm_base (int): Watermark's conversion base

        ValueError: If `base` is not in the range [2, 36]

    self.wm_mode = wm_mode
    """Setting different watermark modes will effectively reduce the size of 
    the watermark string."""

    if wm_base < 2 or wm_base > 36:
        raise ValueError(
            f"watermark convert base must be between 2 and 36: {wm_base}"

    self.wm_base = wm_base
    """watermark conversion base must be between 2 and 36"""


Calculate the watermark length in target base

This method usually be used with wm.set_fixed_wm_length method. This method will calculate the length of the longest (or largest) watermark string in the input string. Then call wm.set_fixed_wm_length method set the return value to wm.wm_fixed_len.

It should be noted that: *the length calculated by this method will add 1 to the original length. The purpose is to quickly locate the starting position of the watermark string when filling the watermark string with 0, so as to ensure that the correct value is obtained and restored. *


Name Type Description Default
wm_max str

Maximum watermark string in target base



Type Description

Returns the length of the watermark string in the specified base

Source code in textwatermark/
def calc_max_wm_length(self, wm_max: str):
    """Calculate the watermark length in target base

    This method usually be used with `wm.set_fixed_wm_length` method.
    This method will calculate the length of the longest (or largest)
    watermark string in the input string. Then call `wm.set_fixed_wm_length`
    method set the return value to wm.wm_fixed_len.

    **It should be noted that:** *the length calculated by this method will
    add 1 to the original length. The purpose is to quickly locate the
    starting position of the watermark string when filling the watermark
    string with 0, so as to ensure that the correct value is obtained and
    restored. *

        wm_max (str): Maximum watermark string in target base

        (int): Returns the length of the watermark string in the specified base

    wm_final = self.wm_convert_to_arbitrary_base(wm_max)
    return len(wm_final)


Convert watermark to arbitrary base string


Name Type Description Default
wm_str str

Watermark string



Type Description

Returns watermark string in arbitrary base


Type Description

if wm_str type is not match wm_mode


if invalid watermark wm_mode


if invalid watermark wm_base

Source code in textwatermark/
def wm_convert_to_arbitrary_base(self, wm_str: str):
    """Convert watermark to arbitrary base string

        wm_str (str): Watermark string

        (str): Returns watermark string in arbitrary base

        ValueError: if `wm_str` type is not match `wm_mode`
        ValueError: if invalid watermark `wm_mode`
        ValueError: if invalid watermark `wm_base`


    if not isinstance(wm_str, str):
        wm_str = str(wm_str)

    wm_bin = ""
    match self.wm_mode:
        case WMMode.REAL_NUMBER:
            if not re.fullmatch(r"[0-9]+", wm_str):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} is not numerical "
            wm_bin = str(bin(int(wm_str)))[2:]
        case WMMode.LETTERS_LOWER_CASE:
            if not re.fullmatch(r"[a-z]+", wm_str):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not lower case letters "
            wm_bin = "".join(format(ord(i) - ord("a") + 1, "05b") for i in wm_str)
        case WMMode.LETTERS_UPPER_CASE:
            if not re.fullmatch(r"[A-Z]+", wm_str):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not upper case letters "
            wm_bin = "".join(format(ord(i) - ord("A") + 1, "05b") for i in wm_str)
        case WMMode.LETTERS_MIXED_CASE:
            if not re.fullmatch(r"[a-zA-Z]+", wm_str):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not mixed case letters "
            wm_bin = "".join(format(ord(i) - ord("A") + 1, "06b") for i in wm_str)
        case WMMode.ALPHA_NUMERICAL:
            if not re.fullmatch(r"[0-9a-zA-Z]+", wm_str):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not mixed case letters "
            for i in wm_str:
                ord_i = ord(i)
                if ord("0") <= ord_i <= ord("9"):
                    wm_bin += format(ord_i - ord("0") + 1, "06b")
                elif ord("A") <= ord_i <= ord("Z"):
                    wm_bin += format(ord_i - ord("A") + 1 + 10, "06b")
                elif ord("a") <= ord_i <= ord("z"):
                    wm_bin += format(ord_i - ord("a") + 1 + 36, "06b")
            if not re.fullmatch(r"[!-~]+", wm_str):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {wm_str} are not mixed case letters "
            wm_bin = "".join(format(ord(i), "07b") for i in wm_str)
        case WMMode.UNICODE:
            wm_bin = BitArray(wm_str.encode("UTF-8")).bin
        case _:
            raise ValueError(f"ERROR: invalid watermark wm_mode: {self.wm_mode}")

    num = np.base_repr(int(wm_bin, 2), self.wm_base)
    return str(num)


Restore watermark from arbitrary base string


Name Type Description Default
wm_final str

Arbitrary base watermark string



Type Description

restored watermark string


Type Description

If Invalid WMMode

Source code in textwatermark/
def wm_restore_from_arbitrary_base(self, wm_final: str):
    """Restore watermark from arbitrary base string

        wm_final (str): Arbitrary base watermark string

        (str): restored watermark string

        Error: If Invalid WMMode


    # convert wm_bin from arbitrary base string
    wm_bin = str(bin(int(wm_final, self.wm_base)))[2:]

    wm_str = ""
    match self.wm_mode:
        case WMMode.REAL_NUMBER:
            wm_str = str(int(wm_bin, 2))
        case WMMode.LETTERS_LOWER_CASE:
            wm_str = self._get_str_from_bin(wm_bin, 5, ord("a") - 1)
        case WMMode.LETTERS_UPPER_CASE:
            wm_str = self._get_str_from_bin(wm_bin, 5, ord("A") - 1)
        case WMMode.LETTERS_MIXED_CASE:
            wm_str = self._get_str_from_bin(wm_bin, 6, ord("A") - 1)
        case WMMode.ALPHA_NUMERICAL:
            if len(wm_bin) % 6 != 0:
                wm_bin = wm_bin.zfill(6 - len(wm_bin) % 6 + len(wm_bin))
            for i in range(0, len(wm_bin), 6):
                num = int(wm_bin[i : i + 6], 2)
                if num <= 10:
                    wm_str += chr(num + ord("0") - 1)
                elif 10 < num <= 36:
                    wm_str += chr(num + ord("A") - 1 - 10)
                elif 36 < num <= 62:
                    wm_str += chr(num + ord("a") - 1 - 36)
            wm_str = self._get_str_from_bin(wm_bin, 7, 0)
        case WMMode.UNICODE:
            wm_str = BitArray(bin=wm_bin).bytes.decode(encoding="UTF-8")
        case _:
            raise ValueError(f"ERROR: Invalid WMMode: {self.wm_mode}")

    return wm_str